Creating the right conditions in places – a playbook we’ve been missing to learn together effectively?

My organisation recently released our new strategy. Our mission is to make it easier for everyone to enjoy an active life by helping create the right conditions in local places to remove inequalities. Our mission is our playbook for how we intend to achieve our vision where active lifestyles are the norm for everyone. TheContinue reading “Creating the right conditions in places – a playbook we’ve been missing to learn together effectively?”

2 years of Uniting the Movement – Are we a social movement?

Reading all the positive articles and stories celebrating 2 years since the launch of Uniting the Movement (UTM) made me reflect on progress and how I see things. Over the last couple of weeks through discussions with various system partners there seems to be a common question emerging. Are we a social movement or areContinue reading “2 years of Uniting the Movement – Are we a social movement?”

6 months of being a ‘system partner’

All system partners are currently reporting on their progress and learning from the first 6 months of investment. Completing our report with my team made me reflect on how I’ve found being a system partner working for the Active Partnerships National Team within Uniting the Movement. What I’ve seen and heard and what roles I’veContinue reading “6 months of being a ‘system partner’”

A team of teams – what is needed to make this grow?

Over the last 12-18 months my team (Active Partnerships national team), colleagues across Active Partnerships, Extended Workforce and various Sport England teams have been exploring how we can work together better. This isn’t a new or unique idea. And it has similarities with the system partners approach, that we are also a part of. WhyContinue reading “A team of teams – what is needed to make this grow?”

Building outwards – Direct the rider, motivate the elephant and shape the path

On Friday 11 March we had session 2 on the ‘blended approach’ with colleagues from Active Partnerships, Extended Workforce and Sport England continuing to explore how we work together better and maximise our collective expertise and resources in support of Uniting the Movement. What did I learn? What resonated? What might help us? The MondayContinue reading “Building outwards – Direct the rider, motivate the elephant and shape the path”

Embracing how radical change happens

We’ve talked about doing it. And finally we did it. On 18th February 20 colleagues from across Active Partnerships, Extended Workforce and Sport England Active Partnerships and Local Hub Teams came together in 1 room. To explore how we could work together better to make our long term vision a reality. In 10 years’ timeContinue reading “Embracing how radical change happens”

A year of working in the movement

Sport England’s announcement that 26 January marked one year since the launch of their Uniting the Movement strategy made me reflect on how it has felt to be working in the movement. How it has felt working with Sport England. What difference we are making. Below are my initial thoughts looking back on the lastContinue reading “A year of working in the movement”

Moving through the gears

One month ago I shared my first set of reflections on the blended approach. One month on and the approach and ambition to work together better is accelerating. At a time when we are transitioning individually and organisationally as we move into new 5 year funding commitments, staff restructures and changes in roles. It feelsContinue reading “Moving through the gears”

Working in the ‘blended approach’ – my experiences and thoughts so far

15 December 2021. A personal perspective on things. What is the blended approach in summary? It is an exciting ambition around a way of working together, better. Active Partnerships, Sport England and wider partners. A way of working that is starting to be put into action in different ways by different people around different piecesContinue reading “Working in the ‘blended approach’ – my experiences and thoughts so far”

The wellbeing of society as a mindset

Reflections on recent conversations. Including what is going on, what might help us moving forward and what I can do. [6 December 2021] What am I hearing and seeing? Everything is linked and may be why everyone is so busy; seemingly no boundaries and limitations around our work and relationships when thinking about our role asContinue reading “The wellbeing of society as a mindset”

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